My recovery coaching is focused on helping those who have already "recovered" attain further growth in their lives as it relates to their recovery. I also specialize in INTERVENTIONS, assisting family and employers in getting a person who is seriously abusing drugs or alcohol into treatment.

Recovery Enhancement coaching is for those already in a stable recovery. Personal and spiritual growth will help maintain a happy and consistent state of abstinence. Real recovery is a life with meaning. You can have this life.
My career of forty- plus years has focused on learning and practicing the skills and technologies that help people change and grow. Helping you do this is what excites and enlivens me.

Focusing on specific steps to take in areas of personal growth can help develop a sense of ongoing joy, inner sense of calm, and a spiritual connection that recovery promises.
Developing skills in emotional intelligence will help balance inner growth and social connections. I will help you develop a plan of action with goals that can inspire you to do more. This plan will be meaningful, informed by developmental stages of growth and enriched by the values that motivate you.

We will build a relationship which can take place in face
to face meetings, over the phone, via Skype and FaceTime, email, text and other apps.
The choice of how to communicate and how often to work together is up to you, based on your unique personal needs.

Recovery Enhancement coaching is meant to be an extension of your own independent work. Much of these experiential learnings need to be done via reading, seminars, workshops and education in addition to the work done with sponsor(s) and others in Recovery.
Contact me now to schedule a free discovery session at
or by email at

While Interventions have been shown on television and are in the public’s consciousness,
the sensationalized television interventions don’t show the whole story. They portray the worst of the sad situations where the disease of addiction has progressed entirely too far.
An intervention is most useful in getting a person to take the disease seriously much earlier in the disease process and to get the help other people know they need but the addicted person has been blind to seeing.
After years of experience in arranging and leading these complicated multi-person emotion-laden events, I have learned to emphasize four main styles:
1). An Intervention must be done out of love, not anger. While family members are often very hurt, fearful and frustrated by the addict, it is the emotional expression of love and caring that is the effective force in an intervention.
2). An intervention must be structured. The number of people present, who they are in relation to the addict, what they believe about addiction and its progression and what is said and not said is critical!
3). An Intervention must be tightly orchestrated. What is said to the addict in the intervention needs to be practiced. Further, it needs to be said in a way that will evoke an emotional response in the addict. This is where the coaching skills of the person leading the Intervention are most critical.
4). An Intervention must have a follow-up plan. All the logistics of getting the addict to treatment after a successful intervention are critical. Timing, transportation, type of treatment, packing, family involvement in treatment and insurance and out-of-pocket costs must be addressed.
An Intervention is a once in a lifetime event, that has the potential to save the addict’s life.
It should be treated as such by having an expert’s skilled management.
Please contact me directly for my expertise on staging an intervention at 843 216-6363
or by email at