Visualizing Success; Beyond the Mental Image
Visualizing success doesn't necessarily make you successful.

There is a lot of talk these days abut visualizing the goal (or success, or the life we want etc.).
Then where are the millions of people running around super happy and so
successful that they don't have to work and struggle with their lives?
Perhaps we just don't see them, because they live in exclusive gated communities, shop on the internet and have all they need delivered to their doors. Maybe the only socialize with other super successful folks.
Well,I don't think that’s what’s happening.
It's more complex than the "teach you how to visualize your success" folks state. This is something I work with clients that see me in my coaching practice.
Does that mean I don't think visualization is important? No, it's not that I think it's unimportant. I think being able to see what you want and are going after is very important. It's an important step in the process of getting motivated and acting. While there are some people who become very motivated simply by seeing what they want (the visualization), most of us also need to have something we move away from, something we don't want.
Motivation is more complex, and what you do when you act is also key. That's the big picture related to visualization, but there's so much more to being successful and in the way you want to be successful.
Here is a sample of the kinds of things that may be important for a specific person (such as yourself) to be successful:
The overall goal
Sub-parts of the overall goal
How you get motivated
The skills you already possess and can use
The skills you need to learn prior to applying them
A plan for your actions: to get from where you are to where you want to be
How getting what you want will effect the other parts of your life (the ecology of the change)
The REALLY good news is that there are A LOT of possible changes you can make
and successes you can achieve and continue to have in you life. But rather than giving you another list, I have a couple of other folks' blogs I can refer you to, and that I know are chock full of achievable possibilities.
Take a look at:
Eric Barr's post "Barking Up the Wrong Tree at: .
He has a new book coming out and it should be excellent.
Leo Babuata's blog A blog that has been very popular on the internet for some time, and the archives of the blog are fantastic!
(Archives are at the bottom of the home page.)
If you see something that excites you, give me a call to discuss how coaching can
help you efficiently and effectively get to where you'd like to go!
Geof Cheek. 843-216-6363